About Mich2880

Mich2880 and Prang123's Club Penguin Cheats

Tuesday 2 March 2010

In Our Hearts Forever.

We have verry sad news.We didnt want to tell you untill we knew that it was true. Airlock is in a comber. We are not sure if he is alive or not. If he is then he will only have 1 or 2 years to live. He will be in this comber for 1,2 or 3 months. Airlock was a nice old chap. At his partys he alwase tried to add as many people as possible. All he wanted was more friends. People have said your not famous, well he wasnt famous but hopefully we will be. Some people called him a jerk and that really made him sad if you were one of those then shame on you. He would like me to say Thatgirl765 he loves you, Bigfishes he likes you and well ur cool And, Kuma Pride you rock And Prang123 your the best dude ever for helping me and that you deserve all the credit cuz u helped my step bro be a pro blogger. Please comment anything you feel about Airlock please be nice as any pressure on him could make him worse so please comment on how much Airlock rocks and i will tell him when he recovers!!! Peace Out!!!


  1. Airlock U RULE ! To me ur famous..U are not a jerk ur AWSOME

    -Kuma Pride-

  2. Mich AWSOME blog i with mine were as good!

  3. AIRLOCK! ur the best i cant beleve ppl would call u a jerk and say ur not famous to me ur famous and IS NOT a jerk..Instead ur AWSOME

  4. i am so so sad to hear about Airlock :(
    Sorry I Havent been posting
    Send my regards to him when he does
    will u still be going on the blog
