About Mich2880

Mich2880 and Prang123's Club Penguin Cheats

Saturday 19 September 2009

My Arm And Sadie2009

Sorry I Havent Been Posting.Ive Broken My Wrist And I Cant Take Pics.Sorry!Thanks For Sticking With Me!!
I Love You All!
AND Sadie2009 Got Hit By A Car )-,:

Wednesday 2 September 2009

The Old Club Penguin!

Who Remembers The Old Clubpenguin Before Disney?Look At A Disney Puffle And A Club Penguin Puffle Can You Tell The Diffrence?

Rockhoppers Coming!

THE FALL FAIR IS ALMOST HERE!As Some Of You Have Noticed Rockhoppers Almost Here! Heres A Pic He'll Be In TimeFor The 09 Fall Fair!