About Mich2880

Mich2880 and Prang123's Club Penguin Cheats

Thursday 3 December 2009


I Was Walking Around Minding My Own Business And I Walked Slap Bang Into A Video Player!!! Woah!

Sunday 22 November 2009

Tuesday 10 November 2009

New Ninja Hideout

Awesome Eeh?

Monday 9 November 2009

New Club Penguin Opening!!!

Heyy Heres A New Cp Opening! Hmmm? He Likes Hot Sauce!!!
Hmm Who Plays Webosaurs? IDo Im Called Tyranos!!!

Friday 6 November 2009

Ok Guys Im Sorry

http://webosaursrox.blogspot.com/ is my webo blog i quit this one sorry 66blaine Thatgirl654 And Cheeza5

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Ninja Amulet

Wow Check This Guys! The Gold Amulet. I Wonder Why We Only Used Fire To Awaken The Mountain?

Monday 2 November 2009

Club Penguin Dojo

Check Out The Dojo Courtyard!!!!Cool

Also Check This Cool Apron Out Thanks Airlock You Rock!!!
Lolz Airlock You Rock.

Sunday 25 October 2009

New Wi-Fi Downloadable Mission

Ok So We All Know We Have Been Waiting Roughly 11 Months For A New Mission But This Is Off The Scales! Club Penguin Are Making A New Wi-Fi Downloadable Mission! Its Called ''The Puffle Pranksters''! Heres The Sneak Peak! I Think It Will Have Something To Do With Puffles And Pranksters!

Saturday 19 September 2009

My Arm And Sadie2009

Sorry I Havent Been Posting.Ive Broken My Wrist And I Cant Take Pics.Sorry!Thanks For Sticking With Me!!
I Love You All!
AND Sadie2009 Got Hit By A Car )-,:

Wednesday 2 September 2009

The Old Club Penguin!

Who Remembers The Old Clubpenguin Before Disney?Look At A Disney Puffle And A Club Penguin Puffle Can You Tell The Diffrence?

Rockhoppers Coming!

THE FALL FAIR IS ALMOST HERE!As Some Of You Have Noticed Rockhoppers Almost Here! Heres A Pic He'll Be In TimeFor The 09 Fall Fair!

Saturday 22 August 2009

Mimo777 Spotted!



Hey Guys! im just saying that 66Blaine Can join C.P.C.!If you do we'll have our own little P-A-R-T-Y Just for you! and if anybody joins we'll have our own party!

Friday 21 August 2009

Time To P-A-R-T-Y-

Welcome ism412

Ism412 has now joined the cpc heres a pic of Him!


Hi Cheeza!Cheeza Is One Of My cp Bffs! She Is AWESOME!! Cheeza Ur Cool!You Can Join C.P.C. Anyday!

C.P.C. Banner!

Hi Guys!Put This Banner On Youre Site! Its Cool But Dont Forget The Free Membership Comp!

Free Membership Compotition OVER THANKS FOR JOINING

Ok Heres A Cool Comp! The First 15 People Who Can Guess What Room Im In Will Get A Free Membership All The Winner Has To Do Is Comment Me There Pass And Il Make Them A Member But Dont Worry I Wont Publish The Pass Il Keep It To Myself! Ok So What Room Am I In Can You Guess?Dont Cheat Not Sure How You Can Cheat Just Dont!!!all you have to do is leave youre name! THE WINNER IS CHEECKY CHUNKY

Advertising On Cp!

Hey Guys Today Ive Been Advertising My Blog With Airlock On Club Penguin ITS A HIT!!!
Anyways Here Are The Pics!P.S.Have You Found All The Party Clues Yet?

My Height

Hey I Measured My Penguin Today And Im Roughly 4 Foot Take A Look! This May be a party clue it may not be

New Club Penguin Play

Guess What? Club Penguin Has Had A New Play (Click Here T0 Check It Out) Its Realy Cool Here Are Some Pics

Thursday 20 August 2009

Mich Comment Tracker

Ok Guys Its The Last Day I Know Its Kinda Late Just Comment Where Gary Is!
Ok only comment if gary is actuly there and dont be mean!

Mich Poem! And Party Clue 4!

I Have A Rhino
I Have A Car
Wave Youre Hands In The Air
If You Dont Know Where You Are
Drive In Youre Lorrie
Drive In Youre Truck
If Youre A Pig Play In The Muck
Fly A Plane
Or Grow A Tigers Maine
Or If You Want Run Me Over With A Train!
If Youre An Eagle Lord
Or If You Have A Ford
Do A Last Run
And Eat A Bun
I Finish My Song
Hope You Sung Along

Newest Member Of The Gang!

I Am Proud To Welcome Airlock To The CPC! Well Done Airlock!

Party Clue 3!!!

8+9-18=___ Post Man Lenshig If You Got This Then Well Done! Its Kinda Easy Though!!!


This Site Is Low In Popularity So I Have A Plane Take A Pic Of This Banner And Post It On Ur Site Plz Il Make It Up To You One Day!

Party Clue2!

Ok Here Is Party Clue 2!

You And Me Plus
Eternity And
Is Revolotionary

Colour Vote

I Wonder? Il Have A Poll To See If I Should Stay Aqua Or Go Red?

Festival Of Flight!

Hey Guys! as you can see it is the Festival of flight!here are some saweet pix!Remove formatting from selectionRemove formatting from selectionRemove formatting from selection

Monday 3 August 2009



The Ninjas Are Gone!

Look Here The Ninjas Are Gone! Here Are Some Pics!


Mods Partying On Webosaurs!

Hey I caught up with some mods on webosaurs! and we had a party!lol Talking about partys lets have one! So Heres The First Clue.Its Easy!

Mich On Mimo!

Lol so some of you know i commented To Mimo777 saying that the ninjas are gone!so he Put Me On His Blog! And Ive Decided That I Might Become One Of His Mods!Oh yea and if anyone here plays webosaurs my name is Tyranos! Here's The Link To Mimos Site http://www.clubpenguingang.com/2009/08/where-did-club-penguin-ninja-go.html

Friday 10 July 2009

Like 2 Say A Big Thanks To Sadie2009!and cp ready 2 rock!

lol here we go sadie2009 has stuck by my side since we met i think!she has been a real good friend in cp and real life!!!she deserves some fame! so if you see her go up to her and say ''hi!''thanks B.T.W.check out the new disney ready to rock it is awesome!!! and quiet funny lolz

yad sdrawkcab laicffo

ot tsop a tnemmoc tub sdrawkcab!looc ktaht tog
erus eb emoseewa yad bsdrawkcab lliw reay yreve emit siht ?huh looc yad sdrawkcab laicffo gniecnuounna won mi

Monday 25 May 2009

Saturday 16 May 2009

Big Foamie Rockhopper

more on rockhopper and bambadee. check out these sweet pix of rockhopper!

Meet The Crew!

Meet My Gang!i know there is only three of us but we try our best maybe oneday there will be thousands!(p.si could not get any pix of joestar2 or rueben2008)


WOOT!rockhopper will be returning sometime this month but what is that you say?if you have not seen it already take a look!(looks like yarr wanted some florida to bring back!)

Rockhoppers New Background

My Good Friend Myroom1452 has met the big foamy rockhopper! here is a pik plz comment if u have 1 or have seen somebody with 1

Medivil Cheats

Im Running Late Ok Here Are The Cheats. First go to the pool and go into the large gates! challenge one light up all the orbs!in the next challenge you will have to hit 50 targets!!! AND LAST MAKE YOUR WAY THROUGH THE MAZE! the directions are- down,left,down,right,right,up AND YOUV MADE IT! THE ULTRA cool members only FREE! item


it took me a while but here come the PIX! i am using another camara though can you see wich one it is though?

My Helpers

im gonna tell you i didnt make this blog on my own ive had some help from joestar2 reuben2008 icyboy3 5 and my mystery penguin!

Monday 11 May 2009

The Whole No Pix Story

soo it started when i got my laptop i downloaded unregisterd hypercam.and so roughly about 3 months later my laptop crashed and i lost all my data (including my old site it was taken of the web) so when i came back on i tried to download hypercam but it wouldnt let me! anyways more on the story laterz

Totaly Boring Stuff Do Not Read (lolz)

ive figured when ppl say do not read or do not click u do! so i wanted to get ur attention.if u look closely i have only write party clue 2,3 & 4.so if i get someone saying mich uve only done 2,3 & 4 then A i know i can trust them and B thay didnt read my whole post!lolz

Party eulce 3 & 4

This Time I AM ONLY TELLING U THE TIME ok? ok it will be 8:30 English time and roughly about 2:30 american time and for party clue 4 visit http://scrapetv.com/News/News%20Pages/Business/images/us-quarter.jpg for clue 4 next clue tomorrow!

New Background

When I Saw The New Background I Thought HOLY MOULY!Wat do u tink?p.s im still having technical difficultys more on the story sometime soon.

Sunday 10 May 2009

Rockhopper And Bambadees New BACKGROUND!

SWEET! so we've just heard that if u went to disney land to see the big foamy rockhopper (-; he will give you a special coin code wichyou can unlock the new coincode online.P.S.i will definatly have some pix on the blog later waddle on!

Heres Our Add!

Okay! So Take This Add And Put It On Your Blog Or Whatever! K Sounds Mean Right? But Im Not Forcing You! Just I Beg You To Link To Club Penguin Cult With This Picture! K? Thanks! I Knew I Could Count On You!



Clothe sweet cheetz (-;

If u wear the ghost costume and hold the flashlight whilst dancing u will glow!
if u wear the coffee apron(only) and dance you will make coffee
if u wear the propeller hat (red or blue)and dance you will float
if u hold the whip whilst waving you will look like indiana jones!

200 Hits Party

Time:3:30pm English Time
Day:Sunday 30Th Of August

Club Penguin Medivel Party

Take A Look At The Cool New Club Penguin Medivil Party!!! I Will Put Some Pix On Later!(and hopefully some sweet cheatz)
Date 23 Augost 2009 Room Box dimension Time 8:30 English Server YetiClub Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!